Anne Powers

author page: Anne Powers

Anne Powers works full time for the federal government and writes on the side. She recently moved to Northern Rhode Island and loves it. Anne enjoys time with her family—her husband, John and two kids who are funny as heck. They own two big dogs, two lazy cats, a fish whose name changes each month, and eight chickens. She is taking her first foray into gardening in 2013 and looks forward to eating fresh vegetables every day. She is a big proponent of supporting the little guy by buying local. She loves getting outside and breathing fresh air, and having fun in general. She shares of views on life on her blog ( along with whimsical snippets of those funny as heck kids.

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Kido Adventure: Milk, Moos and More

[ 0 ] April 25, 2024 |

Wright’s Dairy Farm has been around for 100 years and they know milk. They also know what kids love. Animals, pastries, stuffed animals and holiday themed decorations will make getting your next gallon of milk an adventure for the entire family.

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