Deborah Gutman, is an emergency physician and the mother of a spirited, active, funny, and persuasive superhero who continues to need guidance in using his powers for good. She blogs on navigating the journey raising a child with ADHD, anxiety and sensory integration disorder on her new blog
Does your child seem to be struggling more than you would expect? Are you getting an increasing number of phone calls from the teacher at school? Are you starting to feel like something is “just different†about your child when you see him/her in a peer group setting? Has your child already been referred for “testing†to evaluate behavioral or learning issues? If so, you may be at the beginning of a journey that may include many labels, specialists and lots of confusion. You are far from alone. One in every 5-6 children struggles with a psychological disorder or learning difference. You may ask yourself do we have to label every trait as a disorder? My personal perspective as a parent and medical professional is that if their struggles are affecting their daily functioning then a correct label helps obtain the necessary services and accommodations that will help your child reach their fullest potential with the least amount of struggle.
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