Free eye exams for babies
If you have a baby six to twelve months of age, check into having a free eye exam at a local optometrist or if you know someone who has an infant, please email this information to them.
The American Optometric Association encourages parents to include a trip to the optometrist in the list of well-baby check-ups. Assessments at six to twelve months of age can determine healthy development of vision. Early detection of eye conditions is the best way to ensure your child has healthy vision for successful development–now and in the future.
InfantSEE, developed by the American Optometric Association and The Vision Care Institute of Johnson & Johnson Vision Care Inc., is a public health program (started in 2005) designed to ensure that eye and vision care becomes an integral part of infant wellness care to improve a child’s quality of life.
Locate a participating eye doctor near you.
Category: new parents, wellness