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Healthy Emotional and Behavioral Development: A Guide for Parents

The Greatest 8 is an exciting initiative designed to help parents give their children a great emotional start in life. The initiative focuses on eight key skills, which if developed at an early age, can set a child up for a life of mental wellness. The Greatest 8 is about helping parents help their kids with healthy emotions and behavior.

The topic of child development can be overwhelming for parents, and finding trustworthy resources can be a challenge. The Greatest 8 was designed with parents in mind by a team of researchers from the University of Rhode Island. Each of the eight key skills are segmented into age groups, and feature real-life examples, strategies, and tips. The eight skills include: balancing emotions, communication skills, diversity awareness and respect, coping and resilience, self-perceived competence, problem solving, understanding and identifying feelings, and conflict management and resolution.

The Greatest 8 is a program of the Washington County Coalition for Children in collaboration with partners from the University of Rhode Island, Brown University, South County Hospital, South County Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds, and funding from the Rhode Island Foundation and the van Beuren Charitable Foundation.

Visit the Greatest 8 website here.

Greatest 8 Text Messaging Service

Sign up for free weekly texts that help you teach your child 8 skills for a lifetime of mental wellness. If you have a child age birth through 8, learn more and sign up today. Just text greatest8 to 401 297 3020 or sign up online here at  Learn more at GetTextMessages.

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