Music Together Classes

[ 0 ] February 23, 2024 |

Come make music with your kids. My boys and I took Music Together classes when they were 3. One of the things they liked was that the class was not just about singing - it’s about making music. There was a lot of hands-on use of instruments and the kids were encouraged to get up and move around. This class is also great if you have kids of different ages. It works for kids on different levels. Check it out.

Spring Classes | Tambourine Collection
March 26 - June 13
more info
See schedule. Register online or email or call Jennifer (401) 497-4002.
New family registration begins March 3. Classes can fill up fast.

Location: Providence - Temple Beth-El. 70 Orchard Avenue.

Category: classes/clubs

Anisa Raoof

about the author ()

Anisa Raoof is the publisher of She combines being a mom with her experience as an artist, designer, psych researcher and former co-director of the Providence Craft Show to create the go-to spot for families in Rhode Island and beyond. She loves using social media to connect parents with family-related businesses and services and promoting ways for parents to engage offline with their kids. Anisa believes in the power of working together and loves to find ways to collaborate with others. An online enthusiast, still likes to unplug often by reading books and magazines, drawing, learning to knit, making pop-up books with her two sons and listening to records with her husband.

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