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Overview: Broadband Rhode Island

Rhode Island recently received $4.52 million in stimulus funds as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to bolster use of broadband (high-speed Internet) across all aspects of our lives. Using these funds, the newly-launched Broadband Rhode Island initiative will help strengthen digital literacy and increase broadband usage across the state. An important part of this initiative is to map and verify all of our broadband services. You can help by taking the BBRI Speed Test. Schools, families, libraries, businesses and organizations can take this simple test from any computer. In a few short minutes, you’ll see the download and upload speed of your Internet connection as well as a list of providers in your area and the average speeds offered.

Taking the BBRI Speed Test will help you get a more accurate picture of your broadband service and will help BBRI identify un-served areas in the state. While the Internet cannot replace parents, teachers and other social supports, it can provide families, teachers and children information to learn, grow and connect.

BBRI is an initiative of the RI Economic Development Corporation. It is committed to creating new opportunities by expanding broadband use and digital literacy across Rhode Island. Visit www.broadband.ri.gov for more information.

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