location: 6320 Post Road, North Kingstown, RI 02852
contact person: Aimee Falso
phone: 401-885-1876
email: aimee@kitetailsplaycenter.com
website: www.kitetailsplaycenter.com
description: An indoor/outdoor play center for children ages birth to six and the grown-ups who love them!
Activities include: Infant area, Crafts and creative arts section , Board games and puzzles, Science & discovery area, Dress-up and dramatic play area, Puppet Theater, Trucks and Trains, Baby dolls and giant doll house, Climbing Structure, Books & reading nook, Play tents and tunnels, Big kid section for 4- 6 year olds, and Kitchen area.
And for the adults? Comfortable seating, Coffee and snack bar, Free WI-FI, Community bulletin board, Magazines to browse, and a retail section featuring local and national vendors.
We also host birthday parties, special events and will soon be offering classes.
cost / admission: $6/child, $4/sibling
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| category: classes-art, classes-baby, classes-nature, featured resource, kidoinfo deals, party-places, playspace: indoor
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